NEW Game! Music This or That – Great for classroom, groups, or private lessons

I think that to teach or compose effectively, it’s so important to really enter into the world of a child. Much of the time, we unknowingly require that they enter into our world to understand a concept in our way and in our time and with our taste.

But who can blame us? We just have forgotten what it’s like to be a child! That’s what the most recent workshop I’ve been giving is about “Have You Forgotten What It’s Like to be a Child?” And guess what, I’ve been asked to present it at MTNA 2016! I hope I’ll see you there!

New Game: Music This or That – FREE today!

If you’ve ever had the privilege of reading Willian Steig’s book Which Would You Rather Be?  to a child, you’ll already know how fun and interesting this game can be. It’s a game where you ask a series of “either / or” questions. But maybe you wonder why it is so useful for using with music classes, groups, and even private lessons?

What all can this music game do?

  1. Be a great ice breaker.
    Students who don’t know each other will find themselves sharing and chatting about these questions as they group themselves. 

  2. Establish camaraderie.
    Students who don’t know each other will quickly find themselves connecting with other students who are of similar opinions.

  3. Reveal interesting thoughts you can use to connect with your students.
    TheMusic This or That Logore more answers to these questions you know, the more you can get inside the heads of your students to help them be most successful.

  4. Validates children’s opinions.
    Children love to share their opinion, but they are not often asked for their opinion. Asking them what they think in a safe, non-judging environment helps them feel more like you care and like they are important.

Here are a few samples:

How do you play Music This or That?

Music This or ThatSimply instruct your students that you will be reading a “Would you rather card” that has 2 possibilities. Tell them that if they prefer the first possibility, they should get together with similar students on the right side of the room. If they prefer the last possibility, they should get together with students on the left side of the room. Then tell them that at least one person in the group must share WHY they chose what they did. (As the game unfolds, be sure that each student has a chance to articulate their thoughts and that more outgoing students do not dominate).

As you read each card, gesture to the right as you read the first option and gesture to the left as you read the last option.

Get it here:


3 thoughts on “NEW Game! Music This or That – Great for classroom, groups, or private lessons”

  1. Good game! I don’t teach group lessons but plan to use it as an active game, running or hopping or whatever to different corners of the room ( both of us, of course!)

  2. Great idea, Megan! Thanks for sharing how to use it in private lessons and STILL make it active! 🙂 Have fun!

  3. Pingback: Friday Finds #226 New Term Ideas and Organization | Piano Pantry

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