Preparing for Fall: Useful Adjectives for Teaching

I am a firm believer in finding the right word to coax a correct response from my students.  It is so easy to fall into a rut in using the same words again and again to describe staccato (“short and jumpy”) or legato (“smooth and connected”).  Since our students hear us use the words over and over again, it is easy for their minds to wander as we describe these things in such a rote fashion.

New Adjectives for Teaching and Judging

Over the years, I have seen several lists of adjectives for teachers and facilitators to use in selecting just the right word for their description.  I often take these lists with me if I am judging a festival or other music event so that I don’t keep using the same non-descriptive words over and over again.

Thesaurus for Piano Teachers

One fantastic source for these adjectives is Diane Hidy’s Thesaurus for Teachers and Adjudicators. These are great to post on your wall when you are searching for just the right word to describe the staccato in a student’s music.

Alternative Ways to Say Good Job or Almost

On a recent FaceBook ComposeCreate discussion, Marcia Vahl shared about a list she uses in adjudicating that includes interesting Ways to Say Good Job and Ways to Say Almost (or keep working).  This is an excellent page to study and take with you for adjudicating!


3 thoughts on “Preparing for Fall: Useful Adjectives for Teaching”

  1. Love it. It’s a great list – and I agree… the same words can be so boring. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sometimes I think it’s a good idea to use analogy. E.g. STACCATO – Did you ever notice the rain hitting your car’s windshield? Right at the very beginning the raindrops are very small — you just watch them one by one as they hit your window. THAT’S STACCATO. I try to use little stories to make my points.

  3. Please I am judging a piano studio this Saturday and would love your adjectives can not find a way to either purchase or read the article!!!

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