Performance Class Listening Worksheets

Photo by Simon Tong

I have mentioned “performance classes” several times on this blog.  I try to schedule 2-3 performance classes a year especially right before recital and competition time.  These help the students practice performing before their big events.  Since I don’t charge for these lessons (I charge a yearly tuition which accounts for a combo of 38 private and group lessons), some parents like to view these lessons as “makeups” in case their child has missed a lesson.  Read this post to learn about various ways of handling makeup lessons.

In addition to using this as a performance opportunity for students, I also use this as an opportunity for non-performing students to sharpen their aural skills.  I hand out a performance class worksheet to each student before a performance and they answer the specific questions about the piece as they listen.  The performance class forms are taylored to ask questions appropriate for elementary and intermediate students.  There is both a long and a short form for each.  Here are the performance class worksheets which are listed on this ear training page:

Performance Class Worksheet (elementary)

Performance Class Worksheet (intermediate)

Performance Class Shortened Worksheet (elementary)

Performance Class Shortened Worksheet (intermediate)

I hope this is helpful!  As always, if you have suggestions for other resources which might be helpful to you, please don’t hesitate to share them!

1 thought on “Performance Class Listening Worksheets”

  1. This is an amazing resource! Thank you so much for providing it! Excited to utilize with my students!

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